Just finished studying abroad but don’t know what’s next? That is totally normal – we’ve been there! Now that you are back from your experience, it’s time to show off the new set of skills you’ve developed.
Not only do we here at EF, see the importance of experiential learning, but major companies also seek candidates who highlight study abroad experiences on their resume. Market research has shown that individuals entering the workforce with study abroad experience are more likely to find employment when entering the workforce.[i]

Your experience on an EF Study Abroad program will add value to your resume no matter the nature of the position you are applying for. Employers look for people with strong soft skills, such as empathy and leadership, gained from experiences like studying abroad. In fact, “Ninety percent of leading executives from 68 countries identify intercultural skills as among the most important capabilities required to remain competitive.” [ii]
To get you started in the process, we have included a few examples of what it might look like to add your experience to your resume.
Throughout their resumes, Albert & Sarah highlight the skills from their study abroad experience clearly, while also providing context. Both invite the viewer to form questions about the experience and skills to pose in a follow-up interview.
These are only 2 of the many possible ways to incorporate study abroad into a resume. We recommend researching your school’s resources, such as a Career Service Center, Writing Center, or Academic Advisor to help personalize your resume.
Make sure to check back on our future blog posts to learn more about how to talk about study abroad in an interview and on your cover letter!
[i] Read more about this survey here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/5/prweb9541667.htm
[ii] Page 24, Cultural Intelligence: The Essential Intelligence for the 21st Century https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/Documents/Cultural-Intelligence.pdf
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