Part III – An EF farewell


What feels like a week’s worth of adventure in snowy Paris comes to an end on our third day. Over breakfast, we reminisce about the moments that defined our time spent abroad, and the gradual transformation from traveler into Group Leader.

When the time comes for today’s EF presentation, the group will realize the goal of what an Orientation Tour really sets out to accomplish for them—a newfound sense of confidence and enthusiasm to lead their students abroad.

“I had a good idea of what I wanted to show my students, and it hasn’t changed that much,” says one professor. “But actually being here to see exactly what it takes to get from point A to point B is going to give us time to do even more.”

EF College Study Tour OverviewWe finish up our breakfast and prepare to meet the driving force behind this wonderful experience. Our Tour Director leads us to the reception hall, where the Director of Sales for EF Study Abroad kicks off the discussion with a warm welcome congratulating everyone for taking this extra step. A focus on responsibility and preparedness allowed EF to become the World Leader in International Education—and they are the qualities that are most important for first-time Group Leaders.

The network of EF Study Abroad begins to open up. EF staff members give an overview of their role throughout the tour—from building a repertoire with our hotels to building relationships with our expert local guides. Then, the experienced Group Leaders take the stage, sharing useful advice for our newcomers to keep in mind both before and during their tour. Leading a group of students through the nuances of a different culture doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but the seasoned vets are there to rattle off a list of tips that came from experience.

The professors then have the chance to ask the Group Leaders for any remaining pointers before continuing our last day in Paris. Feeling grounded in the EF milieu—and much more independent since our arrival only two days ago—our new Group Leaders leap at the chance for an opportunity to explore the city one last time. Some visit to the Muse d’Orsay, while others take a self-guide tour through the lush gardens of Parc Monceau. We all met up for a farewell dinner of delicious artisan crepes, where everyone takes a moment to appreciate our amazing Tour Director before he leads us back to the airport for our return flight home.

As with any EF experience, everyone will return home better prepared for whatever path lies ahead. After the photos are shared and stories are told, the moments spent among new friends in a new city will last a lifetime. The road ahead is yours, and with our help, you and your students can follow it anywhere.

Check out our other France blog posts here.