My Favorite Lunch in Florence

I am now going to break a general rule and suggest a place to eat by name. I avoid doing this, generally, because I never want to be responsible for someone having a bad lunch. I will make an exception in the case of Trattoria le Mossacce.

Top Reasons to Visit China

China is an ancient, mysterious, and beautiful country, filled with rich history and culture. From the Great Wall to the Forbidden City, to the numerous temples and palaces, there are countless reasons to visit on your next program—but we’ll just name a few here.

Trending Destination: Costa Rica

This dynamic country is constantly evolving. What was once a nation struggling with poverty is now a nation filled with hope. Discover Costa Rica’s perfect balance of adventure and ecology for yourself.

Destinations: Exploring the World

Whether your institutional or course-specific internationalization goals are pointed towards deep immersion, light international…


There is no denying the fact that Europe is comprised of many, many countries. And realistically, there is no way you’ll…