A Special Thank You to Our Group Leaders

We’re so lucky to have a partner like you. And while we could truly spend hours (more like days) listing the reasons we…

Top Tips for Teaching Online

In the face of the coronavirus outbreak, faculty around the world are moving to digital classrooms. The team over at our…

5 Ways to Globalize Your Curriculum from Home

  Just because you can’t physically go exploring, doesn’t mean you have to ignore your wanderlust completely. If you’re…

Don’t Let Language be a Barrier!

When traveling abroad it can be challenging to communicate with locals if you aren't familiar with the primary language…

Zero Waste Toiletry Kit

Looking to put together a toiletry bag for your upcoming program? We have outlined a few limited waste options to fill your own kit with everything you need to smell great while also keeping the environment in mind during your travels.

Taking a Stand Against Animal Cruelty

Together, we work to implement animal welfare guidelines throughout all our travel programs worldwide—because truly experiencing a destination should not mean harming the animals that call it home.