How to Plan a Program (And How We Help Make it...
Exposing your students to experiential learning moments abroad is a career-changing and life-changing opportunity. But how do you get from this moment today to the point when you're actually traveling?
7 Ways to Promote Your Program On-Campus
Ready to start spreading the word about your program and get your travelers excited to adventure? We’ve outlined some helpful hints to help you recruit students and encourage the buzz about your program!
The Biggest Hurdles When Planning Study Abroad Programs, and a Possible...
We recently ran international training programs to help first-time faculty leaders prepare to take their students abroad. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to learn from our faculty leaders.
8 Ways to Ensure Success at Your Informational Meetings
Generating awareness amongst your students about the amazing opportunity you are offering to them to study abroad is a crucial step in planning a successful program. We’ve outlined some helpful hints.
Need Recruitment Inspiration? Our Experts Share 5 Tried and True Tips...
Leading students abroad sets you apart on campus and opens endless opportunities for students. Recruiting travelers is the first step in making this happen.
The ROI of Studying Abroad
More and more college students are going abroad these days, and naturally, that’s got more people considering the option for themselves. “Is going abroad worth it?” they wonder.