Don’t Let Language be a Barrier!

When traveling abroad it can be challenging to communicate with locals if you aren't familiar with the primary language…

Zero Waste Toiletry Kit

Looking to put together a toiletry bag for your upcoming program? We have outlined a few limited waste options to fill your own kit with everything you need to smell great while also keeping the environment in mind during your travels.

Taking a Stand Against Animal Cruelty

Together, we work to implement animal welfare guidelines throughout all our travel programs worldwide—because truly experiencing a destination should not mean harming the animals that call it home.

Why Learn a Language?

As we begin 2019, we thought it important to check in with a few education partners to see what new initiatives they might have in store for this school year. Among the most exciting initiatives we’ve learned about is Lead with Languages powered by ACTFL.

Tower of London: A 400 Year Old Work of Art

You’ve probably learned about the Tower of London’s most famous prisoners–Anne Boleyn, the Two Princes, and even Queen Elizabeth I herself. But, what you might not know about the Tower of London could be the most interesting part.

Area of Study: Tower of London

Europe is full of some of Earth’s most striking and famous man-made landmarks—and as an educator, you know their value goes beyond mere sightseeing.